CPT Codes for the ABOS Hand Subspecialty Case List
10060 Incision and drainage of abscess eg, carbuncle, suppurative hidradenitis, and other cutaneous or
subcutaneous abscess, cyst, furuncle , or paronychia; simple or single
10061 Incision and drainage of abscess eg, carbuncle, suppurative hidradenitis, and other cutaneous or
subcutaneous abscess, cyst, furuncle, or paronychia); complicated or multiple
10120 Incision and removal of foreign body, subcutaneous tissues; simple
10121 Incision and removal of foreign body, subcutaneous tissues; complicated
10140 Incision and drainage of hematoma, seroma or fluid collection
10160 Puncture aspiration of abscess, hematoma, bulla, or cyst
10180 Incision and drainage, complex, postoperative wound infection
11000 Debridement of extensive eczematous or infected skin; up to 10% of body surface
11001 Debridement of extensive eczematous or infected skin; each additional 10% of the body surface
11010 Debridement including removal of foreign material associated with open fractures and or dislocations;
skin and subcutaneous tissues
11011 Debridement including removal of foreign material associated with open fractures and or dislocations;
skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle fascia, and muscle
11012 Debridement including removal of foreign material associated with open fractures and or dislocations;
skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle fascia, muscle, and bone
11040 Debridement; skin, partial thickness
11041 Debridement; skin, full thickness
11042 Debridement; skin, and subcutaneous tissue
11043 Debridement; skin, subcutaneous tissue, and muscle
11044 Debridement; skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle, and bone
11055 Paring or curettement of benign hyperkeratotic skin lesion; single
11056 Paring or curettement of benign hyperkeratotic skin lesions; two to four
11057 Paring or curettement of benign hyperkeratotic skin lesions; more than four
11100 Biopsy of skin, subcutaneous tissue and/or mucous membrane (including simple closure), unless
11101 Biopsy of skin, subcutaneous tissue and/or mucous membrane (including simple closure), unless
11200 Removal of skin tags, multiple fibrocutaneous tags, any area; up to and including 15 lesions
11201 Removal of skin tags, multiple fibrocutaneous tags, any area; each additional ten lesions
11400 Excision, benign lesion, except skin tag (unless listed elsewhere), trunk, arms or legs; lesion diameter 0.5
11401 Excision, benign lesion, except skin tag (unless listed elsewhere), trunk, arms or legs; lesion diameter 0.6
11402 Excision, benign lesion, except skin tag (unless listed elsewhere), trunk, arms or legs; lesion diameter 1.1
11403 Excision, benign lesion, except skin tag (unless listed elsewhere), trunk, arms or legs; lesion diameter 2.1
11404 Excision, benign lesion, except skin tag (unless listed elsewhere), trunk, arms or legs; lesion diameter 3.1
11406 Excision, benign lesion, except skin tag (unless listed elsewhere), trunk, arms or legs; lesion diameter over
11420 Excision, benign lesion, except skin tag (unless listed elsewhere), scalp, neck, hands, feet, genitalia; lesion
11421 Excision, benign lesion, except skin tag (unless listed elsewhere), scalp, neck, hands, feet, genitalia; lesion
diameter 0.6 to 1.0 cm
11422 Excision, benign lesion, except skin tag (unless listed elsewhere), scalp, neck, hands, feet, genitalia; lesion
11423 Excision, benign lesion, except skin tag (unless listed elsewhere), scalp, neck, hands, feet, genitalia; lesion
11424 Excision, benign lesion, except skin tag (unless listed elsewhere), scalp, neck, hands, feet, genitalia; lesion
11426 Excision, benign lesion, except skin tag (unless listed elsewhere), scalp, neck, hands, feet, genitalia; lesion
11600 Excision, malignant lesion, trunk, arms, or legs; lesion diameter 0.5 cm or less
11601 Excision, malignant lesion, trunk, arms, or legs; lesion diameter 0.6 to 1.0 cm
11602 Excision, malignant lesion, trunk, arms, or legs; lesion diameter 1.1 to 2.0 cm
11603 Excision, malignant lesion, trunk, arms, or legs; lesion diameter 2.1 to 3.0 cm
11604 Excision, malignant lesion, trunk, arms, or legs; lesion diameter 3.1 to 4.0 cm
11606 Excision, malignant lesion, trunk, arms, or legs; lesion diameter over 4.0 cm
11620 Excision, malignant lesion, scalp, neck, hands, feet, genitalia; lesion diameter 0.5 cm or less
11621 Excision, malignant lesion, scalp, neck, hands, feet, genitalia; lesion diameter 0.6 to 1.0 cm
11622 Excision, malignant lesion, scalp, neck, hands, feet, genitalia; lesion diameter 1.1 to 2.0 cm
11623 Excision, malignant lesion, scalp, neck, hands, feet, genitalia; lesion diameter 2.1 cm to 3.0 cm
11624 Excision, malignant lesion, scalp, neck, hands, feet, genitalia; lesion diameter 3.1 to 4.0 cm
11626 Excision, malignant lesion, scalp, neck, hands, feet, genitalia; lesion diameter over 4.0 cm
11719 Trimming of nondystrophic nails, any number
11730 Avulsion of nail plate, partial or complete, simple; single
11732 Avulsion of nail plate, partial or complete, simple; each additional nail plate
11740 Evacuation of subungual hematoma
11750 Excision of nail and nail matrix, partial or complete, eg, ingrown or deformed nail) for permanent removal
11752 Excision of nail and nail matrix, partial or complete, eg, ingrown or deformed nail) for permanent
11755 Biopsy of nail unit eg, plate, bed, matrix, hyponychium, proximal and lateral nail folds separate procedure
11760 Repair of nail bed
11762 Reconstruction of nail bed with graft
11765 Wedge excision of skin of nail fold eg, for ingrown toenail)
12001 Simple repair of superficial wounds of scalp, neck, axillae, external genitalia, trunk and/or extremities
(including hands and feet); 2.5 cm or less
12002 Simple repair of superficial wounds of scalp, neck, axillae, external genitalia, trunk and/or extremities
(including hands and feet); 2.6 cm to 7.5 cm
12004 Simple repair of superficial wounds of scalp, neck, axillae, external genitalia, trunk and/or extremities
(including hands and feet); 7.6 cm to 12.5 cm
12005 Simple repair of superficial wounds of scalp, neck, axillae, external genitalia, trunk and/or extremities
12006 Simple repair of superficial wounds of scalp, neck, axillae, external genitalia, trunk and/or extremities
12007 Simple repair of superficial wounds of scalp, neck, axillae, external genitalia, trunk and/or extremities
12020 Treatment of superficial wound dehiscence; simple closure
12021 Treatment of superficial wound dehiscence; with packing
12031 Layer closure of wounds of scalp, axillae, trunk and/or extremities (excluding hands and feet); 2.5 cm or
12032 Layer closure of wounds of scalp, axillae, trunk and/or extremities (excluding hands and feet); 2.6 cm to
7.5 cm
12034 Layer closure of wounds of scalp, axillae, trunk and/or extremities (excluding hands and feet); 7.6 cm to
12035 Layer closure of wounds of scalp, axillae, trunk and/or extremities (excluding hands and feet); 12.6 cm to
20.0 cm
12036 Layer closure of wounds of scalp, axillae, trunk and/or extremities (excluding hands and feet); 20.1 cm to
30.0 cm
12037 Layer closure of wounds of scalp, axillae, trunk and/or extremities (excluding hands and feet); over 30.0
12041 Layer closure of wounds of neck, hands, feet and/or external genitalia; 2.5 cm or less
12042 Layer closure of wounds of neck, hands, feet and/or external genitalia; 2.6 cm to 7.5 cm
12044 Layer closure of wounds of neck, hands, feet and/or external genitalia; 7.6 cm to 12.5 cm
12045 Layer closure of wounds of neck, hands, feet and/or external genitalia; 12.6 cm to 20.0 cm
12046 Layer closure of wounds of neck, hands, feet and/or external genitalia; 20.1 cm to 30.0 cm
12047 Layer closure of wounds of neck, hands, feet and/or external genitalia; over 30.0 cm
13100 Repair, complex, trunk; 1.1 cm to 2.5 cm
13101 Repair, complex, trunk; 2.6 cm to 7.5 cm
13102 Repair, complex, trunk; each additional 5 cm
13120 Repair, complex, scalp, arms, and/or legs; 1.1 cm to 2.5 cm
13121 Repair, complex, scalp, arms, and/or legs; 2.6 cm to 7.5 cm
13122 Repair, complex, scalp, arms, and/or legs; each additional 5 cm
13131 Repair, complex, forehead, cheeks, chin, mouth, neck, axillae, genitalia, hands and/or feet; 1.1 cm to 2.5
13132 Repair, complex, forehead, cheeks, chin, mouth, neck, axillae, genitalia, hands and/or feet; 2.6 cm to 7.5
13133 Repair, complex, forehead, cheeks, chin, mouth, neck, axillae, genitalia, hands and/or feet; each
additional 5 cm
13160 Secondary closure of surgical wound or dehiscence, extensive or complicated
14000 Adjacent tissue transfer or rearrangement, trunk; defect 10 sq cm or less
14020 Adjacent tissue transfer or rearrangement, scalp, arms and/or legs; defect 10 sq cm or less
14021 Adjacent tissue transfer or rearrangement, scalp, arms and/or legs; defect 10.1 sq cm to 30.0 sq cm
14040 Adjacent tissue transfer or rearrangement, forehead, cheeks, chin, mouth, neck, axillae, genitalia, hands
and/or feet; defect 10 sq cm or less
14041 Adjacent tissue transfer or rearrangement, forehead, cheeks, chin, mouth, neck, axillae, genitalia, hands
and/or feet; defect 10.1 sq cm to 30.0 sq cm
14300 Adjacent tissue transfer or rearrangement, more than 30 sq cm, unusual or complicated, any area
14350 Filleted finger or toe flap, including preparation of recipient site
15000 Excisional preparation or creation of recipient site by excision of essentially intact skin (including
subcutaneous tissues), scar, or other lesion prior to repair with free skin graft (list as separate service)
Surgical preparation or creation of recipient site by excision of open wounds, burn eschar, or scar
15002 including subcutaneous tissues, or incisional release of scar contracture, trunk, arms, legs; first 100 sq or
1 per cent of body area of infants and children
Surgical preparation or creation of recipient site by excision of open wounds, burn eschar, or scar
15003 including subcutaneous tissues, or incisional release of scar contracture, trunk, arms, legs; each additional
100 sq cm or each additional 1 per cent of body area of infants and children List separately in additional
to code for primary procedure
15004 Surgical preparation or creation of recipient site by excision of open wounds, burn eschar, or scar
including subcutaneous tissues, or incisional release of scar contracture, face, scalp, eyelids, mouth,,
Surgical preparation or creation of recipient site by excision of open wounds, burn eschar, or scar
15005 including subcutaneous tissues, or incisional release of scar contracture, face, scalp, eyelids, mouth,,
neck, ears, orbits, genitalia, hands, feet, and or multiple digits; each additional 100 sq cm or each
15050 Pinch graft, single or multiple, to cover small ulcer, tip of digit, or other minimal open area (except on
face), up to defect size of 2 cm diameter
15100 Split graft, trunk, scalp, arms, legs, hands, and/or feet (except multiple digits); 100 sq cm or less, or each
one percent of body area of infants and children (except 15050)
15101 Split graft, trunk, scalp, arms, legs, hands, and/or feet (except multiple digits); each additional 100 sq cm,
or each one percent of body area of infants and children, or part thereof
15110 Epidermal autograft, trunk, arms, legs; first sq cm or less, or 1 per cent of body area of infants and
15111 Epidermal autograft, trunk, arms, legs; each additional 100 sq cm, or each additional 1 per cent of body
15115 Epidermal autograft, face, scalp, eyelids, mouth, neck, ears, orbits, genitalia, hands, feet, and or, multiple
15116 Epidermal autograft, face, scalp, eyelids, mouth, neck, ears, orbits, genitalia, hands, feet, and or, multiple
digits; each additional 100 sq cm, or each additional 1 per cent of body area of infants and children, or
15120 Split graft, face, eyelids, mouth, neck, ears, orbits, genitalia, and/or multiple digits; 100 sq cm or less, or
15121 Split graft, face, eyelids, mouth, neck, ears, orbits, genitalia, and/or multiple digits; each additional 100 sq
15130 Dermal autograft, trunk, arms, legs; first 100 sq cm or less, or 1 per cent of body area of infants and
15131 Dermal autograft, trunk, arms, legs; each additional 100 sq cm, or each additional 1 per cent of body area
15135 Dermal autograft, face, scalp, eyelids, mouth, neck, ears, orbits, genitalia, hands, feet, and or multiple
15136 Dermal autograft, face, scalp, eyelids, mouth, neck, ears, orbits, genitalia, hands, feet, and or multiple
15170 Acellular dermal replacement, trunk, arms, legs; first 100 sq cm less, or 1 per cent of body area of infants
15171 Acellular dermal replacement, trunk, arms, legs; each additional 100 sq cm, or each additional 1 per cent
15175 Acellular dermal replacement, face, scalp, eyelids, mouth, neck, ears, orbits, genitalia, hands, feet, and or
15176 Acellular dermal replacement, face, scalp, eyelids, mouth, neck, ears, orbits, genitalia, hands, feet, and or
15220 Full thickness graft, free, including direct closure of donor site, scalp, arms, and/or legs; 20 sq cm or less
15221 Full thickness graft, free, including direct closure of donor site, scalp, arms, and/or legs; each additional
20 sq cm
15240 Full thickness graft, free, including direct closure of donor site, forehead, cheeks, chin, mouth, neck,
axillae, genitalia, hands, and/or feet; 20 sq cm or less
15241 Full thickness graft, free, including direct closure of donor site, forehead, cheeks, chin, mouth, neck,
15300 Allograft skin for temporary wound closure, trunk, arms, legs; first 100 sq cm less, or 1 per cent of body
area of infants and children
15301 Allograft skin for temporary wound closure, trunk, arms, legs; each additional 100 sq cm, or each
15320 Allograft skin for temporary wound closure, face, scalp, eyelids, mouth, neck, ears, orbits, genitalia,
hands, feet, and or multiple digits; first 100 sq cm or less, or 1 per cent of body area of infants and
15321 Allograft skin for temporary wound closure, face, scalp, eyelids, mouth, neck, ears, orbits, genitalia,
hands, feet, and or multiple digits; each additional 100 sq cm, or each additional 1 per cent of body area
15330 Acellular dermal allograft, face, scalp, eyelids, mouth, neck, ears, orbits, genitalia, hands, feet, and or
multiple digits; first 100 sq cm or less, or 1 per cent of body area of infants and children
15330 Acellular dermal allograft, face, scalp, eyelids, mouth, neck, ears, orbits, genitalia, hands, feet, and or
multiple digits; first 100 sq cm or less, or 1 per cent of body area of infants and children
15335 Acellular dermal allograft, face, scalp, eyelids, mouth, neck, ears, orbits, genitalia, hands, feet, and or
multiple digits; first 100 sq cm or less, or 1 per cent of body area of infants and children
15336 Acellular dermal allograft, face, scalp, eyelids, mouth, neck, ears, orbits, genitalia, hands, feet, and or
multiple digits; each additional 100 sq cm, or each additional 1 per cent of body area of infants and
15400 Xenograft, skin dermal for temporary wound closure, trunk, arms, legs; first 100 sq cm less, or 1 per cent
of body area of infants and children
15401 Xenograft, skin dermal for temporary wound closure, trunk, arms, legs; each additional 100 sq cm, or
each additional 1 per cent of body area of infants and children, or part thereof List separately in addition
15420 Xenograft, skin dermal for temporary wound closure, face, scalp, eyelids, mouth, neck, ears, orbits,
genitalia, hands, feet, and or multiple digits; first 100 sq cm or less, or 1 per cent of body area of infants
15421 Xenograft, skin dermal for temporary wound closure, face, scalp, eyelids, mouth, neck, ears, orbits,
genitalia, hands, feet, and or multiple digits; each additional 100 sq cm, or each additional 1 per cent of
15430 Acellular xenograft implant; first 100 sq cm less, or 1 per cent of body area of infants and children
15431 Acellular xenograft implant; each additional 100 sq cm, or each additional 1 per cent of body area of
infants and children, or part thereof List separately in addition to code for primary procedure
15570 Formation of direct or tubed pedicle, with or without transfer; trunk
15572 Formation of direct or tubed pedicle, with or without transfer; scalp, arms, or legs
15574 Formation of direct or tubed pedicle, with or without transfer; forehead, cheeks, chin, mouth, neck,
15600 Delay of flap or sectioning of flap (division and inset); at trunk
15610 Delay of flap or sectioning of flap (division and inset); at scalp, arms or legs
15650 Transfer, intermediate, of any pedicle flap eg, abdomen to wrist, walking tube), any location
15734 Muscle, myocutaneous, or fasciocutaneous flap; trunk
15736 Muscle, myocutaneous, or fasciocutaneous flap; upper extremity
15738 Muscle, myocutaneous, or fasciocutaneous flap; lower extremity
15740 Flap; island pedicle
15750 Flap; neurovascular pedicle
15756 Muscle or myocutaneous free flap (microvascular transfer)
15757 Free skin flap (microvascular transfer)
15758 Free fascia flap (microvascular transfer)
15760 Graft, composite including skin, including primary closure of donor area
15770 Graft, composite including dermis‐fat‐fascia, including primary closure of donor area
15850 Removal of sutures under anesthesia (other than local), same surgeon
15851 Removal of sutures under anesthesia (other than local), other surgeon
15852 Dressing change (for other than burns) under anesthesia (other than local)
15860 Intravenous injection of agent eg, fluorescein) to test blood flow in flap or graft
16000 Initial treatment, first degree burn, when no more than local treatment is required
16020 Dressings and/or debridement, initial or subsequent; without anesthesia, office or hospital, small
16025 Dressings and/or debridement, initial or subsequent; without anesthesia, medium eg, whole face or
whole extremity)
16030 Dressings and/or debridement, initial or subsequent; without anesthesia, large eg, more than one
16035 Escharotomy
16036 Escharotomy, each additional incision List separately in addition to code for primary procedure
17000 Destruction premalignint lesion
17250 Chemical cauterization of granulation tissue (proud flesh, sinus or fistula)
17260 Destruction, malignant lesion e.g. laser surgery, cryosurgery, chemosurgery, curettage trunk, arms or
17261 Destruction, malignant lesion e.g. laser surgery, cryosurgery, chemosurgery, curettage trunk, arms or
17262 Destruction, malignant lesion e.g. laser surgery, cryosurgery, chemosurgery, curettage trunk, arms or
17263 Destruction, malignant lesion e.g. laser surgery, cryosurgery, chemosurgery, curettage trunk, arms or
17264 Destruction, malignant lesion e.g. laser surgery, cryosurgery, chemosurgery, curettage trunk, arms or
17266 Destruction, malignant lesion e.g. laser surgery, cryosurgery, chemosurgery, curettage trunk, arms or
17270 Destruction, malignant lesion e.g. laser surgery, cryosurgery, chemosurgery, curettage hands; lesion
17271 Destruction, malignant lesion e.g. laser surgery, cryosurgery, chemosurgery, curettage hands; lesion
diameter 0.6 to 1.0 cm
17272 Destruction, malignant lesion e.g. laser surgery, cryosurgery, chemosurgery, curettage hands; lesion
17273 Destruction, malignant lesion e.g. laser surgery, cryosurgery, chemosurgery, curettage hands; lesion
17274 Destruction, malignant lesion e.g. laser surgery, cryosurgery, chemosurgery, curettage hands; lesion
17276 Destruction, malignant lesion e.g. laser surgery, cryosurgery, chemosurgery, curettage hands; lesion
20000 Incision of soft tissue abscess eg, secondary to osteomyelitis) ; superficial
20005 Incision of soft tissue abscess eg, secondary to osteomyelitis) ; deep or complicated
20103 Exploration of penetrating extremity wound separate procedure
20150 Excision of epiphyseal bar, with or without autogenous soft tissue graft obtained through the same fascial
20200 Biopsy, muscle; superficial
20205 Biopsy, muscle; deep
20240 Bone biopsy; superficial
20245 Bone biopsy; deep
20245 Bone biopsy; deep
20501 Injection of sinus tract; diagnostic (sinogram)
20520 Removal of foreign body in muscle or tendon sheath; simple
20525 Removal of foreign body in muscle or tendon sheath; deep or complicated
20526 Injection, therapeutic; carpal tunnel
20550 Injection, tendon sheath, ligament, trigger points or ganglion cyst
20551 Injection, therapeutic; single tendon origin or insertion
20600 Arthrocentesis, aspiration and/or injection; small joint, bursa or ganglion cyst eg, fingers, toes)
20605 Arthrocentesis, aspiration and/or injection; intermediate joint, bursa or ganglion cyst eg,
20610 Arthrocentesis, aspiration and/or injection; major joint or bursa eg, shoulder, hip, knee joint, subacromial
20612 Aspiration or injection ganglion cyst
20615 Aspiration or injection bone cyst
20650 Insertion of wire or pin with application of skeletal traction, including removal separate procedure
20670 Removal of implant; superficial, eg, buried wire, pin or rod) separate procedure removal hardware
20680 Removal of implant; deep, eg, buried wire, pin, screw, metal band, nail, rod or plate) removal of
20690 Application of a uniplane (pins or wires in one plane), unilateral, external fixation system
20692 Application of a multiplane (pins or wires in more than one plane), unilateral, external fixation system eg,
20693 Adjustment or revision of external fixation system requiring anesthesia eg, new pin or wire and/or new
20694 Removal, under anesthesia, of external fixation system
20802 Replantation, arm (includes surgical neck of humerus through elbow joint); complete amputation
20805 Replantation, forearm (includes radius and ulna to radial carpal joint); complete amputation
20808 Replantation, hand (includes hand through metacarpophalangeal joints); complete amputation
20816 Replantation, digit, excluding thumb (includes metacarpophalangeal joint to insertion of flexor sublimis
20822 Replantation, digit, excluding thumb (includes distal tip to sublimis tendon insertion); complete
20824 Replantation, thumb (includes carpometacarpal joint to MP joint) ; complete amputation
20827 Replantation, thumb (includes distal tip to MP joint); complete amputation
20900 Bone graft, any donor area; minor or small eg, dowel or button)
20902 Bone graft, any donor area; major or large
20910 Cartilage graft; costochondral
20920 Fascia lata graft; by stripper
20922 Fascia lata graft; by incision and area exposure, complex or sheet
20924 Tendon graft, from a distance eg, palmaris, toe extensor, plantaris)
20926 Tissue grafts, other eg, paratenon, fat, dermis, etc)
20950 Monitoring of interstitial fluid pressure (includes insertion of device eg, wick catheter technique, needle
20955 Bone graft with microvascular anastomosis; fibula
20956 Bone graft with microvascular anastomosis; metatarsal
20956 Bone graft with microvascular anastomosis; metatarsal
20962 Bone graft with microvascular anastomosis; other bone graft
20969 Free osteocutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis, other than iliac crest, rib, metatarsal, or great
20970 Free osteocutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis; iliac crest
20972 Free osteocutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis; metatarsal
20973 Free osteocutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis; great toe with web space
23930 Incision deep, with opening of bone cortex; elbow or upper arm
23931 Incision and drainage elbow bursa
24000 Arthrotomy, elbow, for infection, with exploration, drainage or removal of foreign body
24006 Arthrotomy of the elbow, with capsular excision for capsular release separate procedure
24065 Biopsy, soft tissue of upper arm or elbow area; superficial
24066 Biopsy, soft tissue of upper arm or elbow area; deep
24075 Excision subcutaneous soft tissue tumor; upper arm or elbow
24076 Excision, tumor, upper arm or elbow area; deep, subfascial or intramuscular
24076 Excision, tumor, upper arm or elbow area; deep, subfascial or intramuscular
24077 Radical resection of tumor; upper arm or elbow
24100 Arthrotomy, elbow; with synovial biopsy only
24101 Arthrotomy, elbow; with joint exploration, with or without biopsy, with or without removal of loose or
24102 Arthrotomy, elbow, with synovectomy
24105 Excision, olecranon bursa
24110 Excision or curettage of bone cyst or benign tumor; humerus
24115 Excision or curettage of bone cyst or benign tumor; humerus; with autograft includes graft harvest
24116 Excision or curettage of bone cyst or benign tumor; humerus; with allograft
24120 Excision or curettage of bone cyst or benign tumor; radial head or neck or olecranon process
24125 Excision or curettage of bone cyst or benign tumor; radial head or neck or olecranon process; with
autograft includes graft harvest
24126 Excision or curettage of bone cyst or benign tumor; radial head or neck or olecranon process; with
24130 Radial head excision
24130 Radial head excision
24134 Sequetrestomy, shaft or distal humerus
24136 Sequetrestomy, radial head or neck
24138 Sequetrestomy, olecranon process
24140 Partial excision, humerus
24145 Partial excision, radial head or neck
24147 Partial excision, olecranon process
24147 Partial excision, olecranon process
24149 Radical resection of capsule, soft tissue and heterotopic bone, elbow, with contracture release
24150 Radical resection for tumor, shaft or distal humerus
24151 Radical resection for tumor, shaft or distal humerus, with autograft, including graft harvest
24152 Radical resection for tumor, radial head or neck
24153 Radical resection for tumor, radial head or neck, with autograft, including graft harvest
24155 Resection of elbow joint arthrectomy
24160 Implant removal, elbow joint
24164 Implant removal, radial head
24200 Removal of foreign body; elbow or upper arm, subcutaneous
24200 Removal of foreign body; elbow or upper arm, subcutaneous
24201 Removal of foreign body; elbow or upper arm, deep
24201 Removal of foreign body; elbow or upper arm, deep
24201 Removal of foreign body; elbow or upper arm, deep
24300 Manipulation; elbow; under anesthesia
24301 Muscle or tendon transfer, any type, upper arm or elbow, single
24305 Tendon lengthening, upper arm or elbow, single, each
24310 Tenotomy, open elbow to shoulder, single, each
24320 Tenoplasty, with muscle transfer, with or without free graft, elbow to shoulder, single (Seddon‐ Brookes
24330 Flexor‐plasty, elbow, eg, Steindler type advancement)
24331 Flexor‐plasty, elbow, eg, Steindler type advancement); with extensor advancement
24332 Tenolysis, triceps
24340 Tenodesis of biceps tendon at elbow, separate procedure
24341 Repair, tendon or muscle, upper arm or elbow, each
24342 Reinsertion of ruptured biceps tendon, distal, with or without tendon graft (includes obtaining graft)
24343 Repair lateral collateral ligament, elbow, with local tissue
24344 Repair lateral collateral ligament, elbow, with tendon graft, including graft harvest
24345 Repair medial collateral ligament, elbow, with local tissue
24346 Repair medial collateral ligament, elbow, with tendon graft, including graft harvest
24357 Percutaneous medial or lateral epicondyle tenotomy
24358 Medial or lateral epicondyle debridement
24359 Medial or lateral epicondyle debridement with tendon repair or reattachment
24360 Arthroplasty, elbow, with membrane or fascia
24361 Arthroplasty, elbow, with distal humeral prosthetic replacement
24362 Arthroplasty, elbow, with implant and fascia lata ligament reconstruction
24363 Arthroplasty, elbow, with distal humeral and proximal ulnar prosthetic replacement; total elbow
24365 Arthroplasty, radial head
24366 Arthroplasty, radial head, with implant
24495 Decompression fasciotomy, forearm, with brachial artery exploration
24500 Closed treatment of humeral shaft fracture; without manipulation
24505 Closed treatment of humeral shaft fracture; with manipulation, with or without skeletal traction
24515 Open treatment of humeral shaft fracture, with plate/screws, with or without cerclage
24516 Treatment of humeral shaft fracture with insertion of intramedullary implant with or without cerclage or
locking screws
24530 Closed treatment of supracondylar or transcondylar humeral fracture, with or without intercondylar
24535 Closed treatment of supracondylar or transcondylar humeral fracture, with or without intercondylar
extension; with manipulation, with or without skin or skeletal traction
24538 Percutaneous skeletal fixation of supracondylar or transcondylar humeral fracture, with or without
24545 Open treatment of humeral supracondylar or transcondylar fracture, with or without internal or external
24546 Open treatment of humeral supracondylar or transcondylar fracture, with or without internal or external
24560 Closed treatment of humeral epicondylar fracture, medial or lateral; without manipulation
24565 Closed treatment of humeral epicondylar fracture, medial or lateral; with manipulation
24566 Percutaneous treatment of humeral epicondylar fracture, medial or lateral, with manipulation
24575 Open treatment of humeral epicondylar fracture, medial or lateral, with or without internal or external
24576 Closed treatment of humeral condylar fracture, medial or lateral; without manipulation
24577 Closed treatment of humeral condylar fracture, medial or lateral; with manipulation
24579 Open treatment of humeral condylar fracture, medial or lateral, with or without internal or external
24582 Percutaneous treatment of humeral condylar fracture, medial or lateral, with manipulation
24586 Open treatment of periarticular fracture and/or dislocation of the elbow (fracture distal humerus and
24587 Open treatment of periarticular fracture and/or dislocation of the elbow (fracture distal humerus and
proximal ulna and/or proximal radius); with implant arthroplasty
24600 Treatment of closed elbow dislocation; without anesthesia
24605 Treatment of closed elbow dislocation; requiring anesthesia
24615 Open treatment of acute or chronic elbow dislocation
24620 Closed treatment of Monteggia type elbow fracture dislocation radial head fracture with proximal ulna
24635 Open treatment of Monteggia type of fracture dislocation at elbow (fracture proximal end of ulna with
dislocation of radial head), with or without internal or external fixation
24640 Closed treatment of radial head subluxation in child, nursemaid elbow, with manipulation
24650 Closed treatment of radial head or neck fracture; without manipulation
24655 Closed treatment of radial head or neck fracture; with manipulation
24665 Open treatment of radial head or neck fracture, with or without internal fixation or radial head excision
24666 Open treatment of radial head or neck fracture, with or without internal fixation or radial head excision;
with radial head prosthetic replacement
24670 Closed treatment of ulnar fracture, proximal end (olecranon process); without manipulation
24675 Closed treatment of ulnar fracture, proximal end (olecranon process); with manipulation
24685 Open treatment of ulnar fracture proximal end (olecranon process), with or without internal or external
24800 Arthrodesis, elbow joint; with or without local autograft or allograft
24802 Arthrodesis, elbow joint; with autograft (includes obtaining graft other than locally obtained)
24900 Amputation, arm through humerus; with primary closure
24920 Amputation, arm through humerus; open, circular (guillotine)
24925 Amputation, arm through humerus; secondary closure or scar revision
24930 Transhumeral re‐amputation
24931 Transhumeral amputation with implant
24935 Stump elongation, upper extremity
24940 Cineplasty, upper extremity, complete procedure
24999 Unlisted procedure, upper extremity
25000 Tendon sheath incision; at radial styloid eg, for deQuervains disease)
25001 Incision, flexor tendon sheath, wrist
25020 Decompression fasciotomy, forearm and/or wrist; flexor or extensor compartment
25023 Decompression fasciotomy, forearm and/or wrist; with debridement of nonviable muscle and/or nerve
25024 Decompression fasciotomy,forearm and or wrist, flexor and extensor compartments, without
25025 Decompression fasciotomy,forearm and or wrist, flexor and extensor compartments, with debridement
25028 Incision and drainage, forearm and/or wrist; deep abscess or hematoma
25031 Incision and drainage, forearm and/or wrist; infected bursa
25035 Incision, deep, with opening of bone cortex eg, for osteomyelitis or bone abscess), forearm and/or wrist
25040 Arthrotomy, radiocarpal or mediocarpal joint, with exploration, drainage, or removal of foreign body
25065 Biopsy, soft tissue of forearm and/or wrist; superficial
25066 Biopsy, soft tissue of forearm and/or wrist; deep
25075 Excision, tumor, forearm and/or wrist area; subcutaneous
25076 Excision, tumor, forearm and/or wrist area; deep, subfascial or intramuscular
25077 Radical resection of tumor eg, malignant neoplasm), soft tissue of forearm and/or wrist area
25085 Capsulotomy, wrist eg, for contracture)
25100 Arthrotomy, wrist joint, with biopsy
25101 Arthrotomy, wrist joint; with joint exploration, with or without biopsy, with or without removal of loose
25105 Arthrotomy, wrist joint, with synovectomy
25107 Arthrotomy, distal radioulnar joint for repair of triangular cartilage complex
25109 Excision of tendon, forearm and or wrist, flexor or extensor, each
25110 Excision, lesion of tendon sheath, forearm and/or wrist
25111 Excision of ganglion, wrist (dorsal or volar); primary
25112 Excision of ganglion, wrist (dorsal or volar); recurrent
25115 Radical excision of bursa, synovia of wrist, or forearm tendon sheaths eg, tenosynovitis, fungus, Tbc, or
other granulomas, rheumatoid arthritis); flexors
25116 Radical excision of bursa, synovia of wrist, or forearm tendon sheaths eg, tenosynovitis, fungus, Tbc, or
other granulomas, rheumatoid arthritis); extensors (with or without transposition of dorsal retinaculum)
25118 Synovectomy, extensor tendon sheath, wrist, single compartment
25119 Synovectomy, extensor tendon sheath, wrist, single compartment; with resection of distal ulna
25120 Excision or curettage of bone cyst or benign tumor of radius or ulna (excluding head or neck of radius and
25125 Excision or curettage of bone cyst or benign tumor of radius or ulna (excluding head or neck of radius and
olecranon process); with auto graft (includes obtaining graft)
25126 Excision or curettage of bone cyst or benign tumor of radius or ulna (excluding head or neck of radius and
olecranon process); with allograft
25130 Excision or curettage of bone cyst or benign tumor of carpal bones
25135 Excision or curettage of bone cyst or benign tumor of carpal bones; with autograft (includes obtaining
25136 Excision or curettage of bone cyst or benign tumor of carpal bones; with allograft
25145 Sequestrectomy eg, for osteomyelitis or bone abscess), forearm and/or wrist
25150 Partial excision (craterization, saucerization or diaphysectomy) of bone eg, for osteomyelitis); ulna
25151 Partial excision (craterization, saucerization or diaphysectomy) of bone eg, for osteomyelitis); radius
25170 Radical resection for tumor, radius or ulna
25210 Carpectomy; one bone
25215 Carpectomy; all bones of proximal row
25230 Radial styloidectomy separate procedure
25240 Excision distal ulna, partial or comlete eg, Darrach type or matched resection)
25248 Exploration with removal of deep foreign body, forearm or wrist
25250 Removal of wrist prosthesis; separate procedure
25251 Removal of wrist prosthesis; complicated, including total wrist
25259 Manipulation, wrist, under anesthesia
25260 Repair, tendon or muscle, flexor, forearm and/or wrist; primary, single, each tendon or muscle
25263 Repair, tendon or muscle, flexor, forearm and/or wrist; secondary, single, each tendon or muscle
25265 Repair, tendon or muscle, flexor, forearm and/or wrist; secondary, with free graft (includes obtaining
25270 Repair, tendon or muscle, extensor, forearm and/or wrist; primary, single, each tendon or muscle
25272 Repair, tendon or muscle, extensor, forearm and/or wrist; secondary, single, each tendon or muscle
25274 Repair, tendon or muscle, extensor, secondary, with tendon graft (includes obtaining graft), forearm
25275 Repair, tendon sheath, extensor, forearm and or wrist, with free graft includes graft harvest
25280 Lengthening or shortening of flexor or extensor tendon, forearm and/or wrist, single, each tendon
25290 Tenotomy, open flexor or extensor tendon, forearm and/or wrist, single, each tendon
25295 Tenolysis, flexor or extensor tendon, forearm and/or wrist, single, each tendon
25300 Tenodesis at wrist; flexors of fingers
25301 Tenodesis at wrist; extensors of fingers
25310 Tendon transplantation or transfer, flexor or extensor, forearm and/or wrist, single; each tendon
25312 Tendon transplantation or transfer, flexor or extensor, forearm and/or wrist, single; with tendon graft
25315 Flexor origin slide eg, for cerebral palsy, Volkmann contracture), forearm and/or wrist
25316 Flexor origin slide for cerebral palsy, forearm and/or wrist; with tendon transfer
25320 Capsulorrhaphy or reconstruction, wrist, any method eg, capsulodesis, ligament repair, tendon transfer
25332 Arthroplasty, wrist
25335 Centralization of wrist on ulna eg, radial club hand)
25337 Reconstruction of unstable distal radioulnar joint
25350 Osteotomy, radius; distal third
25355 Osteotomy, radius; middle or proximal third
25360 Osteotomy; ulna
25365 Osteotomy; radius and ulna
25370 Multiple osteotomies, with realignment on intramedullary rod (Sofield type procedure); radius OR ulna
25375 Multiple osteotomies, with realignment on intramedullary rod (Sofield type procedure); radius AND ulna
25390 Osteoplasty, radius OR ulna; shortening
25391 Osteoplasty, radius OR ulna; lengthening with autograft
25392 Osteoplasty, radius AND ulna; shortening (excluding 64876)
25393 Osteoplasty, carpal bone, shortening
25393 Osteoplasty, carpal bone, shortening
25400 Repair of nonunion or malunion, radius OR ulna; without graft eg, compression technique)
25405 Repair of nonunion or malunion, radius OR ulna; with iliac or other autograft (includes obtaining graft)
25415 Repair of nonunion or malunion, radius AND ulna; without graft eg, compression technique, etc)
25420 Repair of nonunion or malunion, radius AND ulna; with iliac or other autograft (includes obtaining graft)
25425 Repair of defect with autograft; radius OR ulna
25426 Repair of defect with autograft; radius AND ulna
25430 Insertion vascular pedicle into carpal bone
25431 Repair of carpal bone nonunion other than scaphoid, each, including graft and fixation
25440 Repair of nonunion, scaphoid navicular bone, with or without radial styloidectomy (includes obtaining
25441 Arthroplasty with prosthetic replacement, distal radius
25442 Arthroplasty with prosthetic replacement, distal ulna
25443 Arthroplasty with prosthetic replacement, scaphoid
25444 Arthroplasty with prosthetic replacement, lunate
25445 Arthroplasty with prosthetic replacement, trapezium
25446 Arthroplasty with prosthetic replacement; distal radius and partial or entire carpus (total wrist)
25447 Interposition arthroplasty, intercarpal or carpometacarpal joints
25449 Revision of arthroplasty, including removal of implant, wrist joint
25450 Epiphyseal arrest by epiphysiodesis or stapling; distal radius OR ulna
25455 Epiphyseal arrest by epiphysiodesis or stapling; distal radius AND ulna
25490 Prophylactic treatment (nailing, pinning, plating or wiring) with or without methyl methacrylate; radius
25491 Prophylactic treatment (nailing, pinning, plating or wiring) with or without methyl methacrylate; ulna
25492 Prophylactic treatment (nailing, pinning, plating or wiring) with or without methyl methacrylate; radius
25500 Closed treatment of radial shaft fracture; without manipulation
25505 Closed treatment of radial shaft fracture; with manipulation
25515 Open treatment of radial shaft fracture, with or without internal or external fixation
25520 Closed treatment of radial shaft fracture, with dislocation of distal radioulnar joint (Galeazzi
25525 Open treatment of radial shaft fracture, with internal and/or external fixation and closed treatment of
dislocation of distal radioulnar joint (Galeazzi fracture/dislocation), with or without percutaneous skeletal
25526 Open treatment of radial shaft fracture, with internal and/or external fixation and open treatment, with
or without internal or external fixation of distal radioulnar joint (Galeazzi fracture/dislocation), includes
25530 Closed treatment of ulnar shaft fracture; without manipulation
25535 Closed treatment of ulnar shaft fracture; with manipulation
25545 Open treatment of ulnar shaft fracture, with or without internal or external fixation
25560 Closed treatment of radial and ulnar shaft fractures; without manipulation
25565 Closed treatment of radial and ulnar shaft fractures; with manipulation
25574 Open treatment of radial and ulnar shaft fractures, with internal or external fixation; of radius OR ulna
25575 Open treatment of radial and ulnar shaft fractures, with internal or external fixation; of radius AND ulna
25600 Closed treatment of distal radial fracture eg, Colles or Smith type) or epiphyseal separation, with or
25605 Closed treatment of distal radial fracture eg, Colles or Smith type) or epiphyseal separation, with or
25606 Percutaneous fixation distal radius fracture or epiphyseal separation
25606 Percutaneous fixation distal radius fracture or epiphyseal separation
25607 Open treatment of extraarticular distal radial fracture or epiphyseal separation, with or without fracture
25608 Open treatment of intraarticular distal radial fracture or epiphyseal separation with internal fixation of
25609 Open treatment of intraarticular distal radial fracture or epiphyseal separation with internal fixation of
25622 Closed treatment of carpal scaphoid navicular fracture; without manipulation
25624 Closed treatment of carpal scaphoid navicular fracture; with manipulation
25628 Open treatment of carpal scaphoid navicular fracture, with or without internal or external fixation
25630 Closed treatment of carpal bone fracture (excluding carpal scaphoid navicular); without manipulation,
25635 Closed treatment of carpal bone fracture (excluding carpal scaphoid navicular); with manipulation, each
25645 Open treatment of carpal bone fracture (excluding carpal scaphoid navicular), each bone
25650 Closed treatment of ulnar styloid fracture
25651 Percutaneous fixation ulnar styloid fracture
25652 Open treatment ulnar styloid fracture
25660 Closed treatment of radiocarpal or intercarpal dislocation, one or more bones, with manipulation
25670 Open treatment of radiocarpal or intercarpal dislocation, one or more bones
25671 Percutaneous fixation distal radioulnar dislocation
25675 Closed treatment of distal radioulnar dislocation with manipulation
25676 Open treatment of distal radioulnar dislocation, acute or chronic
25680 Closed treatment of trans‐scaphoperilunar type of fracture dislocation, with manipulation
25685 Open treatment of trans‐scaphoperilunar type of fracture dislocation
25690 Closed treatment of lunate dislocation, with manipulation
25695 Open treatment of lunate dislocation
25800 Arthrodesis, wrist joint (including radiocarpal and/or ulnocarpal fusion); without bone graft
25805 Arthrodesis, wrist joint (including radiocarpal and/or ulnocarpal fusion); with sliding graft
25810 Arthrodesis, wrist joint (including radiocarpal and/or ulnocarpal fusion); with iliac or other autograft
25820 Intercarpal fusion; without bone graft
25825 Intercarpal fusion; with autograft (includes obtaining graft)
25830 Arthrodesis and resection of radioulnar joint
25900 Amputation, forearm, through radius and ulna
25905 Amputation, forearm, through radius and ulna; open, circular (guillotine)
25907 Amputation, forearm, through radius and ulna; secondary closure or scar revision
25909 Amputation, forearm, through radius and ulna; reamputation
25915 Krukenberg procedure
25920 Disarticulation through wrist
25922 Disarticulation through wrist; secondary closure or scar revision
25924 Disarticulation through wrist; reamputation
25927 Transmetacarpal amputation
25929 Transmetacarpal amputation; secondary closure or scar revision
25931 Transmetacarpal amputation; reamputation
25999 Unlisted procedure, forearm or wrist
26010 Drainage of finger abscess; simple
26011 Drainage of finger abscess; complicated eg, felon, etc)
26020 Drainage of tendon sheath, one digit and/or palm
26025 Drainage of palmar bursa; single, ulnar or radial
26030 Drainage of palmar bursa; multiple or complicated
26034 Incision, deep, with opening of bone cortex eg, for osteomyelitis or bone abscess), hand or finger
26035 Decompression fingers and/or hand, injection injury eg, grease gun, etc)
26037 Decompressive fasciotomy, hand (excludes 26035)
26040 Fasciotomy, palmar, for Dupuytrens contracture; closed (subcutaneous)
26045 Fasciotomy, palmar, for Dupuytrens contracture; open, partial
26055 Tendon sheath incision eg, for trigger finger)
26060 Tenotomy, subcutaneous, single, each digit
26070 Arthrotomy, for infection, with exploration, drainage or removal of foreign body; carpometacarpal joint
26075 Arthrotomy, for infection, with exploration, drainage or removal of foreign body; metacarpophalangeal
26080 Arthrotomy, for infection, with exploration, drainage or removal of foreign body; interphalangeal joint,
26100 Arthrotomy with synovial biopsy; carpometacarpal joint
26105 Arthrotomy for synovial biopsy; metacarpophalangeal joint
26110 Arthrotomy for synovial biopsy; interphalangeal joint, each
26115 Excision, tumor or vascular malformation, hand or finger; subcutaneous
26116 Excision, tumor or vascular malformation, hand or finger; deep, subfascial, intramuscular
26117 Radical resection of tumor eg, malignant neoplasm), soft tissue of hand or finger
26121 Fasciectomy, palmar only, with or without z‐plasty, other local tissue rearrangement, or skin grafting
(includes obtaining graft);
26123 Fasciectomy, palmar only, with or without z‐plasty, other local tissue rearrangement, or skin grafting
(includes obtaining graft); partial palmar excision with release of single digit including proximal
26125 Fasciectomy, palmar only, with or without z‐plasty, other local tissue rearrangement, or skin grafting
(includes obtaining graft); partial palmar excision with release of each additional digit, including proximal
26130 Synovectomy, carpometacarpal joint
26135 Synovectomy, metacarpophalangeal joint including intrinsic release and extensor hood reconstruction,
each digit
26140 Synovectomy, proximal interphalangeal joint, including extensor reconstruction, each interphalangeal
26145 Synovectomy tendon sheath, radical tenosynovectomy, flexor, palm or finger, single, each digit
26160 Excision of lesion of tendon sheath or capsule eg, cyst, mucous cyst, or ganglion), hand or finger
26170 Excision of tendon, palm, flexor, single separate procedure, each
26180 Excision of tendon, finger, flexor separate procedure
26185 Sesamoidectomy, finger or thumb
26200 Excision or curettage of bone cyst or benign tumor of metacarpal
26205 Excision or curettage of bone cyst or benign tumor of metacarpal; with autograft (includes obtaining
26210 Excision or curettage of bone cyst or benign tumor of proximal, middle or distal phalanx of finger
26215 Excision or curettage of bone cyst or benign tumor of proximal, middle or distal phalanx of finger; with
26230 Partial excision craterization, saucerization, or diaphysectomy of bone eg, for osteomyelitis); metacarpal
26235 Partial excision craterization, saucerization, or diaphysectomy of bone eg, for osteomyelitis); proximal or
middle phalanx of finger
26236 Partial excision craterization, saucerization, or diaphysectomy of bone eg, for osteomyelitis); distal
phalanx of finger
26250 Radical resection ostectomy for tumor, metacarpal
26255 Radical resection ostectomy for tumor, metacarpal; with autograft (includes obtaining graft)
26260 Radical resection ostectomy for tumor, proximal or middle phalanx of finger
26261 Radical resection ostectomy for tumor, proximal or middle phalanx of finger; with autograft (includes
26262 Radical resection ostectomy for tumor, distal phalanx of finger
26320 Removal of implant from finger or hand
26340 Manipulation finger joint under anesthesia, each joint
26350 Flexor tendon repair or advancement, single, not in no mans land; primary or secondary without free
graft, each tendon
26352 Flexor tendon repair or advancement, single, not in no mans land; secondary with free graft (includes
26356 Flexor tendon repair or advancement, single, in no mans land; primary, each tendon
26357 Flexor tendon repair or advancement, single, in no mans land; secondary, each tendon
26358 Flexor tendon repair or advancement, single, in no mans land secondary with free graft (includes
26370 Profundus tendon repair or advancement, with intact sublimis; primary
26372 Profundus tendon repair or advancement, with intact sublimis; secondary with free graft (includes
26373 Profundus tendon repair or advancement, with intact sublimis; secondary without free graft
26390 Flexor tendon excision, implantation of plastic tube or rod for delayed tendon graft, hand or finger
26392 Removal of tube or rod and insertion of flexor tendon graft (includes obtaining graft), hand or finger
26410 Extensor tendon repair, dorsum of hand, single, primary or secondary; without free graft, each tendon
26412 Extensor tendon repair, dorsum of hand, single, primary or secondary; with free graft, (includes obtaining
26415 Extensor tendon excision, implantation of plastic tube or rod for delayed extensor tendon graft, hand or
26416 Removal of tube or rod and insertion of extensor tendon graft (includes obtaining graft), hand or finger
26418 Extensor tendon repair, dorsum of finger, single, primary or secondary, without free graft, each tendon
26420 Extensor tendon repair, dorsum of finger, single, primary or secondary, with free graft, (includes
26426 Extensor tendon repair, central slip repair, secondary (boutonniere deformity); using local tissues
26428 Extensor tendon repair, central slip repair, secondary (boutonniere deformity); with free graft (includes
26432 Extensor tendon repair, distal insertion (mallet finger), closed, splinting with or without percutaneous
26433 Extensor tendon repair, distal insertion (mallet finger), open, primary or secondary repair; without graft
26434 Extensor tendon repair, distal insertion (mallet finger), open, primary or secondary repair; with graft
26437 Extensor tendon realignment, hand
26440 Tenolysis, simple, flexor tendon; palm OR finger, single, each tendon
26442 Tenolysis, simple, flexor tendon; palm AND finger, each tendon
26445 Tenolysis, extensor tendon, dorsum of hand or finger, each tendon
26449 Tenolysis, complex, extensor tendon, dorsum of hand or finger, including hand and forearm
26450 Tenotomy, flexor, single, palm, open, each
26455 Tenotomy, flexor, single, finger, open, each
26460 Tenotomy, extensor hand or finger, single, open, each
26471 Tenodesis; for proximal interphalangeal joint stabilization
26474 Tenodesis; for distal joint stabilization
26476 Tendon lengthening, extensor, hand or finger, single, each
26477 Tendon shortening, extensor, hand or finger, single, each
26478 Tendon lengthening, flexor, hand or finger, single, each
26479 Tendon shortening, flexor, hand or finger, single, each
26480 Tendon transfer or transplant, carpometacarpal area or dorsum of hand, single; without free graft, each
26483 Tendon transfer or transplant, carpometacarpal area or dorsum of hand, single; with free tendon graft
26485 Tendon transfer or transplant, palmar, single, each tendon; without free tendon graft
26489 Tendon transfer or transplant, palmar, single, each tendon; with free tendon graft (includes obtaining
26490 Opponens plasty; sublimis tendon transfer type
26492 Opponens plasty; tendon transfer with graft (includes obtaining graft)
26494 Opponens plasty; hypothenar muscle transfer
26496 Opponens plasty; other methods
26497 Tendon transfer to restore intrinsic function; ring and small finger
26498 Tendon transfer to restore intrinsic function; all four fingers
26499 Correction claw finger, other methods
26500 Tendon pulley reconstruction, with local tissues separate procedure
26502 Tendon pulley reconstruction; with tendon or fascial graft (includes obtaining graft) separate procedure
26508 Thenar muscle release for thumb contracture
26510 Cross intrinsic transfer
26516 Capsulodesis for M‐P joint stabilization; single digit
26517 Capsulodesis for M‐P joint stabilization; two digits
26518 Capsulodesis for M‐P joint stabilization; three or four digits
26520 Capsulectomy or capsulotomy for contracture; metacarpophalangeal joint, single, each
26525 Capsulectomy or capsulotomy for contracture; interphalangeal joint, single each
26530 Arthroplasty, metacarpophalangeal joint; single, each
26531 Arthroplasty, metacarpophalangeal joint; with prosthetic implant, single, each
26535 Arthroplasty, interphalangeal joint; single, each
26536 Arthroplasty, interphalangeal joint; with prosthetic implant, single, each
26540 Primary repair of collateral ligament, metacarpophalangeal joint
26541 Primary repair of collateral ligament, metacarpophalangeal joint; with tendon or fascial graft (includes
26542 Primary repair of collateral ligament, metacarpophalangeal joint; with local tissue eg, adductor
26545 Reconstruction, collateral ligament, interphalangeal joint, single, including graft, each joint
26546 Repair nonunion, metacarpal or phalanx, including bone graft harvest
26548 Repair and reconstruction, finger volar plate, interphalangeal joint
26550 Pollicization of a digit
26551 Digit reconstruction with wrap‐around toe and bone graft
26553 Digit reconstruction with toe other than great toe
26554 Digit reconstructions with toes other than great toe ‐ double
26555 Positional change of other finger
26556 Transfer, free toe joint with microvascular anastomosis
26560 Repair of syndactyly web finger each web space; with skin flaps
26561 Repair of syndactyly web finger each web space; with skin flaps and grafts
26562 Repair of syndactyly web finger each web space; complex, involving bone, nails, etc
26565 Osteotomy for correction of deformity; metacarpal
26567 Osteotomy for correction of deformity; phalanx of finger
26568 Osteoplasty for lengthening of metacarpal or phalanx
26580 Repair cleft hand
26587 Reconstruction of supernumerary digit, soft tissue and bone
26590 Repair macrodactylia
26591 Repair, intrinsic muscles of hand
26593 Release, intrinsic muscles of hand
26596 Excision of constricting ring of finger, with multiple Z‐plasties
26600 Closed treatment of metacarpal fracture, single; without manipulation, each bone
26605 Closed treatment of metacarpal fracture, single; with manipulation, each bone
26607 Closed treatment of metacarpal fracture, single; with manipulation, with internal or external fixation,
each bone
26608 Percutaneous skeletal fixation of metacarpal fracture, each bone
26615 Open treatment of metacarpal fracture, single, with or without internal or external fixation, each bone
26641 Closed treatment of carpometacarpal dislocation, thumb, with manipulation
26645 Closed treatment of carpometacarpal fracture dislocation, thumb Bennett fracture, with manipulation
26650 Percutaneous skeletal fixation of carpometacarpal fracture dislocation, thumb Bennett fracture, with
manipulation, with or without external fixation
26665 Open treatment of carpometacarpal fracture dislocation, thumb Bennett fracture, with or without
internal or external fixation
26670 Closed treatment of carpometacarpal dislocation, other than thumb Bennett fracture, single, with
26675 Closed treatment of carpometacarpal dislocation, other than thumb Bennett fracture, single, with
26676 Percutaneous skeletal fixation of carpometacarpal dislocation, other than thumb Bennett fracture, single,
26685 Open treatment of carpometacarpal dislocation, other than thumb Bennett fracture; single, with or
without internal or external fixation
26686 Open treatment of carpometacarpal dislocation, other than thumb Bennett fracture; complex, multiple or
delayed reduction
26700 Closed treatment of metacarpophalangeal dislocation, single, with manipulation; without anesthesia
26705 Closed treatment of metacarpophalangeal dislocation, single, with manipulation; requiring anesthesia
26706 Percutaneous skeletal fixation of metacarpophalangeal dislocation, single, with manipulation
26715 Open treatment of metacarpophalangeal dislocation, single, with or without internal or external fixation
26720 Closed treatment of phalangeal shaft fracture, proximal or middle phalanx, finger or thumb; without
26725 Closed treatment of phalangeal shaft fracture, proximal or middle phalanx, finger or thumb; with
26727 Percutaneous skeletal fixation of unstable phalangeal shaft fracture, proximal or middle phalanx, finger or
26735 Open treatment of phalangeal shaft fracture, proximal or middle phalanx, finger or thumb, with or
without internal or external fixation, each
26740 Closed treatment of articular fracture, involving metacarpophalangeal or proximal interphalangeal joint;
26742 Closed treatment of articular fracture, involving metacarpophalangeal or proximal interphalangeal joint;
26746 Open treatment of articular fracture, involving metacarpophalangeal or proximal interphalangeal joint,
with or without internal or external fixation, each
26750 Closed treatment of distal phalangeal fracture, finger or thumb; without manipulation, each
26755 Closed treatment of distal phalangeal fracture, finger or thumb; with manipulation, each
26756 Percutaneous skeletal fixation of distal phalangeal fracture, finger or thumb, each
26765 Open treatment of distal phalangeal fracture, finger or thumb, with or without internal or external
fixation, each
26770 Closed treatment of interphalangeal joint dislocation, single, with manipulation; without anesthesia
26775 Closed treatment of interphalangeal joint dislocation, single, with manipulation; requiring anesthesia
26776 Percutaneous skeletal fixation of interphalangeal joint dislocation, single, with manipulation
26785 Open treatment of interphalangeal joint dislocation, with or without internal or external fixation, single
26820 Fusion in opposition, thumb, with autogenous graft (includes obtaining graft)
26841 Arthrodesis, carpometacarpal joint, thumb, with or without internal fixation
26842 Arthrodesis, carpometacarpal joint, thumb, with or without internal fixation; with autograft (includes
obtaining graft)
26843 Arthrodesis, carpometacarpal joint, digits, other than thumb
26844 Arthrodesis, carpometacarpal joint, digits, other than thumb; with autograft (includes obtaining graft)
26850 Arthrodesis, metacarpophalangeal joint, with or without internal fixation
26852 Arthrodesis, metacarpophalangeal joint, with or without internal fixation; with autograft (includes
obtaining graft)
26860 Arthrodesis, interphalangeal joint, with or without internal fixation
26861 Arthrodesis, interphalangeal joint, with or without internal fixation; each additional interphalangeal joint
26862 Arthrodesis, interphalangeal joint, with or without internal fixation; with autograft (includes obtaining
26863 Arthrodesis, interphalangeal joint, with or without internal fixation; with autograft (includes obtaining
graft), each additional joint
26910 Amputation, metacarpal, with finger or thumb (ray amputation), single, with or without interosseous
26951 Amputation, finger or thumb, primary or secondary, any joint or phalanx, finger, including neurectomies;
with direct closure
26952 Amputation, finger or thumb, primary or secondary, any joint or phalanx, finger, including neurectomies;
with local advancement flaps (V‐Y, hood)
26989 Unlisted procedure, hand or fingers
29065 Application of cast; shoulder to hand (long arm)
29075 Application of cast; elbow to finger (short arm)
29085 Application of cast; hand to lower forearm (gauntlet)
29086 Application of finger cast
29105 Application of long arm splint (shoulder to hand)
29125 Application of short arm splint (forearm to hand); static
29126 Application of short arm splint (forearm to hand); dynamic
29130 Application of finger splint; static
29131 Application of finger splint; dynamic
29240 Strapping; shoulder
29260 Strapping; elbow or wrist
29280 Strapping; hand or finger
29840 Arthroscopy, wrist, diagnostic; with or without synovial biopsy
29843 Arthroscopy, wrist, surgical; for infection, lavage and drainage
29844 Arthroscopy, wrist, surgical; synovectomy, partial
29845 Arthroscopy, wrist, surgical; synovectomy, complete
29846 Arthroscopy, wrist, surgical; excision of triangular fibrocartilage and/or joint debridement
29847 Arthroscopy, wrist, surgical; internal fixation for fracture or instability
29848 Endoscopic carpal tunnel release
35045 Direct repair of aneurysm or excision (partial or total) and graft insertion, with or without patch graft; for
aneurysm, false aneurism and associated occlusive disease, radial or ulnar artery
35206 Repair blood vessel, direct; upper extremity
35207 Repair blood vessel, direct; hand, finger
35236 Repair blood vessel with vein graft; upper extremity
35266 Repair blood vessel with graft other than vein; upper extremity
37618 Ligation, major artery eg, post‐traumatic, rupture); extremity
37799 Unlisted vascular procedure
38220 Bone marrow; aspiration only
38241 Bone marrow transplantation; autologous
64450 Injection, anesthetic agent; other peripheral nerve or branch
64702 Neuroplasty; digital, one or both, same digit
64704 Neuroplasty; nerve of hand or foot
64708 Neuroplasty, major peripheral nerve, arm or leg; other than specified
64712 Neuroplasty, major peripheral nerve, arm or leg; sciatic nerve
64713 Neuroplasty, major peripheral nerve, arm or leg; brachial plexus
64718 Neuroplasty and/or transposition; ulnar nerve at elbow
64719 Neuroplasty and/or transposition; ulnar nerve at wrist
64721 Neuroplasty and/or transposition; median nerve at carpal tunnel
64722 Decompression; unspecified nerve
64774 Excision of neuroma; cutaneous nerve, surgically identifiable
64776 Excision of neuroma; digital nerve, one or both, same digit
64778 Excision of neuroma; digital nerve, each additional digit (list separately by this number)
64782 Excision of neuroma; hand or foot, except digital nerve
64783 Excision of neuroma; hand or foot, each additional nerve, except same digit (list separately by this
64784 Excision of neuroma; major peripheral nerve, except sciatic
64787 Implantation of nerve end into bone or muscle (list separately in addition to neuroma excision)
64788 Excision of neurofibroma or neurolemmoma; cutaneous nerve
64790 Excision of neurofibroma or neurolemmoma; major peripheral nerve
64792 Excision of neurofibroma or neurolemmoma; extensive (including malignant type)
64795 Biopsy of nerve
64820 Sympathectomy, digital arteries, with magnification, each digit
64821 Periarterial sympathectomy, radial artery
64822 Periarterial sympathectomy, ulnar artery
64823 Periarterial sympathectomy, superficial palmar arch
64831 Suture of digital nerve, hand or foot; one nerve
64832 Suture of digital nerve, hand or foot; each additional
64834 Suture of one nerve, hand or foot; common sensory nerve
64835 Suture of one nerve, hand or foot; median motor thenar
64836 Suture of one nerve, hand or foot; ulnar motor
64837 Suture of each additional nerve, hand or foot
64856 Suture of major peripheral nerve, arm or leg, except sciatic; including transposition
64857 Suture of major peripheral nerve, arm or leg, except sciatic; without transposition
64859 Suture of each additional major peripheral nerve
64861 Suture of; brachial plexus
64872 Suture of nerve; requiring secondary or delayed suture list separately in addition to code for primary
64872 Suture of nerve; requiring secondary or delayed suture list separately in addition to code for primary
64874 Suture of nerve; requiring extensive mobilization, or transposition of nerve (in addition to nerve suture)
64876 Suture of nerve; requiring shortening of bone list separately in addition to code for primary neurorrhaphy
64890 Nerve graft (includes obtaining graft), single strand, hand or foot; up to 4 cm in length
64891 Nerve graft (includes obtaining graft), single strand, hand or foot; more than 4 cm in length
64892 Nerve graft (includes obtaining graft), single strand, arm or leg; up to 4 cm in length
64893 Nerve graft (includes obtaining graft), single strand, arm or leg; more than 4 cm in length
64895 Nerve graft (includes obtaining graft), multiple strands (cable), hand or foot; up to 4 cm length
64896 Nerve graft (includes obtaining graft), multiple strands (cable) , hand or foot; more than 4 cm length
64897 Nerve graft including harvest, multiple strands, arm, up to 4 cm in length
64898 Nerve graft including harvest, multiple strands, arm, greather than 4 cm in length
64901 Nerve graft, each additional nerve; single strand
64902 Nerve graft, each additional nerve; multiple strands (cable)
64905 Nerve pedicle transfer; first stage
64907 Nerve pedicle transfer; second stage
64910 Nerve repair with synthetic conduit, each
64911 Nerve repair with autogenous vein conduit, each, including graft harvest
64999 Nerve procedure, unlisted